Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mainda Dvivida

sadevaasurayakSeSu gandharvoragapakSiSu |
maindasya pratiyoddhaaram shamsata dvividasya vaa || 5-59-16
16. shamsata= tell (me); pratiyodhaaram= the one who can fight against; maindasya= Mainda; dvividasya vaa= or Dvivida; gandharvoraga pakSiSu= among Gandharvas the celestial singers or Uragas the snakes or Pakshis the birds; sadevaasura yakSeSu= or the celestials or demons or Yakshas the semi-divine beings.
“Tell me any one who can fight against Mainda or Dvivida, among Gandharvas the celestial singers or Uragas the serpents or Pakshis the birds or the celestials or the demons or Yakshas the semi-divine beings.”
ashviputrau mahaabhaagaavetau plavagasattamau |
etayoH pratiyoddhaaram na pashyaami raNaajire || 5-59-17
17. etau mahaabhaagau= these two illustrious Mainda and Dvivida; ashviputrau= the sons of Ashvini kumaras; plavagasattamau= are the foremost among the monkeys; raNaajire= in the battle-field; na pashyaami= I do not find; pratiyoddhaaram= any one who can fight against; etayoH= these two monkeys.
“These two illustrious sons of Ashvini Kumaras, Mainda and Dvivida are the foremost among the monkeys. In the battle-field, I do not find anyone who can fight against these two monkeys.”
pitaamahavarotsekaatparamam darpamaasthitau |
amR^itapraashanaavetau sarvavaanarasattamau || 5-59-18
18. pitaamaha varotsekaat= proud of having received boons from Brahma the creator and their grand-father; aasthitau= and abiding; paramam darpam= in a supreme pride; etau= these; sarva vaanara sattamau= two foremost among all the monkeys; amR^itapraashinau= live on Amrita the nectar.
"Proud of having received boons from Brahma the creator and their grandfather and abiding in a supreme haughtiness, these two foremost among all the monkeys live on Amrita the nectar."
ashvinormaananaartham hi sarvalokapitaamahaH |
sarvaavadhyatvamatulamanayordattavaan puraa || 5-59-19
19. puraa= long ago; sarvalokapitaamahaH= Brahma, the grandfather of all the worlds; dattavaan= gave atulam= an unequal boon; anayoH= to them; maananaartam= in honour; ashvinau= of Ashivinikumaras; sarvaavadhyatvam= regarding their inviolability.
"Long ago, Brahma the grandfather of all the worlds gave an unequal boon to them in honour of Ashvini Kumaras regarding their inviolability."
varotsekena mattau cha pramathya mahatiim chamuum |
suraaNaamamR^itam viirau piitavantau plavamgamau || 5-59-20
20.varotsekena= by the pride of the boons; viirau plavaN^gamau= these two heroic monkeys; mattoucha= excited with joy; pramathya= harassing; mahatiim chaamuum= a great army; suraaNaam= of celestials; piitavantau= drank up; amR^itam= the nectar.
"By the pride of those boons, those two heroic monkeys harassed a great army of celestials and thereupon drank up nectar, excited as they were with joy."
etaavena hi samkruddhau savaajirathakumjaraam |
laN^kaam naashayitum shaktau sarve tiSThantu vaanaraaH || 5-59-21
21. sarve= (Let) all; vaanaraH= monkyes; tiSThantu= stand apart; samkR^iddhau etaaveva= even these Mainda and Dvividva for their part; shaktau= are capable; naashayitum= to destroy; laN^kaam= the city of Lanka; savaajiratha kumjaraam= along with its horses, chariots and elephants.
"Let all the other monkeys stand aside. Even these Mainda and Dvivida on their part are capable of destroying the entire city of Lanka together with its horses, chariots and elephants."

The following deaths occurred in the war:
dhumrAksha, akampan, devAntaka, trishirA, nikumbhakilled by hanumAna
vajradanshtra, kampana, prajanghakilled by angada
kumbha, virupAksha, mahodarkilled by sugriva
shoNitAkshakilled by dvivida
yupAkshakilled by mainda
prahastra, mahodarakilled by neela
kumbhakarNa, makarAksha, rAvaNakilled by Lord sri rAma Himself
mahApArshvakilled by rishabha
atikAya, charioteer of indrajit, indrajit himselfkilled by lakshmaNa
mayAmati(fake) sita killed by indrajit
chariot horses of indrajitkilled by an army of monkeys
